Our School
Mission Statement
Working hard to prepare ourselves for a productive future.
New Era Elementary Information
New Era Elementary is part of Shelby Public Schools. We are a grade-level building servicing fourth and fifth-grade students.
Mission Statement:
Working hard to prepare ourselves for a productive future.
Vision Statement:
A school where: everyone is respectful, positive relationships are expected and nurtured, everyone learns and practices being resourceful and is responsible for their own learning.
Beliefs Statement:
The Staff of New Era Elementary will:
Provide a safe, positive, non-threatening environment for all students with clear expectations for learning and positive behavior.
Recognize and acknowledge diversity and socio-economic differences in students.
Develop clear, attainable academic standards while addressing the social, emotional, and physical needs of all students.
Strive to make learning interesting through varied methods, use of educational materials, and presentation processes.
Enhance student's academics and social skills through varied learning opportunities, giving students positive experiences and raising their self-esteem.
Be a caring role model within and outside of the school setting.
Positivity Project (P2 Time)
P2 time is part of every classroom, every day. Teachers lead activities, conversations, and lessons around weekly character strengths. P2 time allows New Era staff and students to collaborate and work together by creating a cohesive learning community. It is grounded in the thought that other people matter and help our NE family focus on ways to improve the lives of others and thus our own life. Students and staff alike love this time!